Sep 30, 2019 | Clock Barn, September 2019

I’ve been a wedding photographer for nearly 15 years now and I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve seen two people more in love than Emma & Mike. Ever. For reals. These two wonderful human beings got married at the glorious Clock Barn in Hampshire on Friday in front of a crowd of extremely loving friends and family, and it was an absolute pleasure to witness.
I don’t think I’ve seen two people laugh quite so much all day either; in fact it was infectious. They say the sun shines on the righteous and despite heavy rain being forecast all day we had a dry spell in exactly the part of the day we needed it, so were able to take the couple photos they wanted and family photos outside. What luck! What a perfect day.
You’re both incredibly special people, thank you so much for having Holly and I along for the ride. Mwah!
If you’d like to speak to me about photographing your Hampshire wedding, or in any other county for that matter, please feel free to get in touch here.

Sep 16, 2019 | September 2019, The Domus

The Domus at Beaulieu is an absolute show stopper of a wedding venue – over 800 years old and originally the monks’ dormitory at Beaulieu Abbey. Old tapestries hang on the walls between candles in the windows, so the whole venue feels historic and that little bit magical.
Kerry & Pete’s wedding was simply perfect from start to finish. A unseasonably hot September day meant their guests could wander around the pretty gardens in the sunshine enjoying their drinks and canapes before moving inside for dinner and speeches. Because we had such a bright and sunny day, we were bless with the most incredible golden hour, so nipped outside again for a few minutes to make the most of the gorgeous light.
An absolutely beautiful day, thank you guys so much for having Holly and I along! Here are a few photos to keep you going before the whole set is ready.
If you’d like to speak to me about photographing your wedding at The Domas at Beaulieu or any other venue, please email me here.