Baby Nugget – Commercial Photography
…And now for something completely different! I’ve been dabbling with a bit of commercial photography here and there for years however with my usual work load of weddings I never really had the time to push the business or dedicate much time to it. In 2020 though with almost all of my weddings being cancelled or postponed, I decided to ramp it up a bit and to give it a name…. and Baby Nugget was literally born!
I’ve always regretted calling my wedding business Mia Photography to be honest – it started at a time when Bolo and I were serious but not yet engaged so I didn’t want to call it Mia Kenward (knowing we’d probably soon be married) and wasn’t brazen enough to call it Mia Hooper before he proposed (likely we’d not be married today as he’d have thought I was crazy, ha!) So I called it Mia Photography due to lack of other ideas but this makes it very difficult with crediting me as other Mia’s have popped up over the years.
I wanted to make the commercial side of my photography separate from my weddings and to focus on alternative brands who want bright and vibrant content photography. This meant it definitely needed a name of it’s own, so after running through a few ideas I settled on Baby Nugget – my daughter Betsey’s absolute favourite dolly. When she was 2 and thinking of names for her dolly, we asked her, “What’s your favourite thing that we could name her after?” She thought for a bit then said “Baby Daddy. No wait! Baby Nugget”.
Big thank you to my husband Bolo for featuring heavily in my branding and content photos this year…lockdown meant it was slim pickens for models so good job you’re hot! Hehe.
Here are a few things I’ve been up to this year – I would love to expend this side of my business so if you’re looking for fun, vibrant and creative content of your business or product for your website or social media, please get in touch here!