2021 – A Year in Review
Wow, where to begin…if you had told me back in the throngs of madness of 2020 what an incredible and beautiful wedding year 2021 would be, I just wouldn’t have believed you. I mean, I would have desperately wanted to believe you because like so many others, my heart was well and truly shattered in 2020, but I wouldn’t have had the nerve to. But it was. O it was!! It was real and raw and moving as always. More so… We’ve all come on a journey this last 2 years and now weddings are so, so much more important than they ever were before. They’ve always been wonderful excuses to gather everyone together, see loved ones from far away, eat, drink and be merry together; but now we know that these things may be fleeting and not to be taken for granted. Now we know that without these things, life feels half lived.
A huge part of why I love this job so much is down to this awesome industry – many of my closest friends are other photographers and with love and support for each other we’ve been able to build each other up and help each other grow. It’s the same with other suppliers and venues too; we’ve all shown incredible strength and comradery this last two years and I’m so proud of the industry that we’re part of. Thank you for every referral, share, like that you’ve sent my way; I appreciate it enormously.
Above all, thank you to my wonderful clients. Thank you for trusting me with an incredibly special day. I won’t say ‘the best day of your life’ because…I kinda hope it isn’t. I hope it’s a bloomin’ fantastic day, but I wish you 100s more bloomin’ fantastic days to come in your long, and happy lives together. You don’t know this but I often cry when I leave a wedding because I know I won’t see you again, and that makes me sad! Please stay in touch <3
All my love, Mia xx