Marwell Hotel – Ellen & Alex
I want to take a break from all the worrying virus talk to bring you something completely joyful and lovely; THESE TWO. Ellen & Alex and two of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met, their laughters are infectious and their hearts are made with solid god. FACT.
As expected, their wedding was simply beautiful and bursting to the brim with love. They said their vows in the totally gorgeous and arresting Romsey Abbey in front of a lovely bunch of very happy people. Weddings are always emotional times and I often shed a little tear, but I had big, fat tears rolling down my cheeks on this day! It always makes me cry seeing the groom cry, and mix that in with a choir of children singing and I was a mess! We took full advantage of the pretty Abbey gardens for some family photos and then ventured out into the streets of Romsey for a few couples shots. These two were such great sports; thank you for letting me stand you both in front of a random old pub flapping your veil!
Once everyone arrived at Marwell Hotel they were greeted with drinks and canapes before tucking into a delicious 4 course meal. The evening kicked off with sparklers, cake and even surprise dance routine that Ellen & Alex had put together. Such a wonderful day and the most fantastic way to start my 2020 season. Congratulations lovelies, see you at Sprinkles!
If you’d like to speak to me about photographing your wedding at Marwell Hotel near Winchester, feel free to email me via here!